
What is more important. 

Training or nutrition?

The benefits to training are endless, including better heart health, an improved mood, better sleep, and weight management. But no matter what your goal is with training your goals won’t achievable without correct nutrition. Diet and exercise go hand-in-hand, and you won’t truly reap the benefits of exercise until you adjust your diet as well.

A healthy diet is essential for weight loss

If weight loss is your primary goal with your workouts, you have to make changes in the kitchen, too. A Mars bar has 250-300 calories. You could eat this in less than 10 seconds, but it will take more than an hour of strenuous exercise to burn these calories off. It’s much easier just to lowering your caloric intake than trying to push things to the limit in the gym. Because exercising can make you hungry and people tend to overestimate how many calories they burn while exercising with fitbit style watches might make you end up overeating after working out if you don’t monitor your diet. Exercise isn't only helpful for weight loss, but it’s only effective when combined with correct caloric consumption. Exercise will help you progress, improve body composition and help with general fitness.

Nutrition is an important factor in building muscle

If the goal is to build muscle, eating a sufficient amount of calories and protein is essential. Protein is especially important for gaining muscle because it’s the most important component of muscle tissue. It helps your body build new muscle fibers and repair damaged tissue.

Getting enough protein in your diet will increase your muscle mass as you work out, and it can promote muscle recovery after your workouts. Without adequate protein and calories every day, you may find yourself struggling to build as much muscle as you want to. Fortunately, you can get all the protein you need for building muscle in a healthy diet. High-protein foods include:

• Chicken
• Lean beef
• Eggs
• Milk
• Nuts

If you don’t think you can get enough protein in your diet, you can supplement with protein powder/ protein bars. For building muscle, about 20 to 30 percent of your daily calories should come from protein. 

No matter your reason for training, eating the correct calories is necessary to see results. Protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates will help your workouts reach their full potential. To lose weight, gain muscle, or feel more energetic while you exercise, you have to pay attention to your diet.