
10 most common excuses not to head to the gym

I don’t have enough time.
Sessions don't need to be hours long. 30 - 45 minute sessions are more than an adequate amount of time. Most gyms now have 24hrs access and personal trainers are always accommodating to peoples busy schedules to make sure they can make it work.

I’m too tired to workout.
I've had clients in the past say that they are too tired. But once you're actually in the gym and exercising energy levels increase, especially morning sessions which are a great way to start the day and helps for focus throughout busy daily life.

But exercise is so boring!
Exercise never has to be boring. Training smart with a necessary amount of variation will keep things interesting and it's always rewarding to see ongoing progress.

I have no motivation to workout.
Ask yourself why you're doing it? If the task feels too overwhelming just take one step at a time. Setting targets, having weekly goals and remembering, improving overall health and wellbeing is enough to stay motivated.

I have to look after the children.
Obviously time is limited to looking after the little ones, but if you can spare an hour out of your day two to three days a week this can make the difference to seeing the results you've always wanted.

I don’t have anyone to train with.
Training alone isn't scary once you're a few session in you'll find the confidence. It really pays to work with a personal trainer to work on technique with new exercises and not feeling lost on your own.But remember classes are always a possibility if you want to spur yourself and your friends on.

I feel unwell.
Generally I would say rest up and wait until you feel well enough to train. But generally people feel better if they hit the gym and let out some stress (especially with the boxing gloves on)

The gym is too expensive or far.
Some people do think that joining a gym can be too expensive but there are lots of affordable membership options available, with most gyms scrapping joining fees. As for personal training I would always recommend signing up for block of sessions as you'll get a discount and you'll also show that you're committed to get results.

I don’t know how to train properly.
Everyone has to start somewhere and that is why there are fitness professionals at all gyms to guild you in the right direction to train correctly and effectively.

I feel intimidated by the fit people there.
A gym environment should never be daunting or intimidating. Because everyone who trains in a gym is looking to see results and progress no matter of their physical prowess.